With organisations and businesses involving more web conferences in their functioning, it is important to safeguard their sensitive information. And due to this reason only participants with valid login credentials will be able to get access to the meeting.

Data transmission in a web conference is vulnerable as it travels over multiple public or private networks before reaching its destination. Therefore proper authentication, encryption and network security are essential to safeguard a web conference.


Distinct login details

Unlike simple video calls here in KloudCon, the meeting is held in an enclosed digital space. To secure your meetings, there is a dedicated meeting ID and password for every meeting you host. Without these login details, no one can join your meeting.

Secure Data sharing

As the meeting is held in a secured digital environment where participants can only join after entering valid login credentials, therefore all the data shared and information exchanged are safe.

Encrypted connection

KloudCon web conference solution includes all the latest security measures to ensure your digital safety. This web conferencing solution offers a secured encrypted connection which helps to keep hackers at bay.

No outside interference

By restricting the entry with dedicated login details, KloudCon makes it difficult for any outsider to barge into your private meetings. Only the people you share the login details can get access to the meetings you host.

Control your meeting

As a host you have a greater control over your meeting. You can mute participants, you can know who’s on the call, who’s speaking, and more during an ongoing video conference call.

No data leak

End-to-end encryption in KloudCon web conferencing solution works to prevent any data leak. This end-to-end encryption protects the entire communication process thereby ensuring your data safety from cyber crooks.

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